Reinvent your desktop
BumpTop is a fun, intuitive 3D desktop that keeps you organized and makes you more productive. Like a real desk, but better.
Source: YouTube
Bleh, i have using it for an hour and organising by folder on a 2D surface is a lot easier and a lot easier on my ram (this uses 100MB of ram)
I'm not sure
I can see how this might benefit some, but the time taken to re-organise my desktop into a new design structure, and learn the new positions, would far outweigh the advantages gained from said new structure
lol, lots of these kinds of apps come, and go
seriously... how many times do you even look at the desktop?
Fun concept I guess - probably not terribly useful, but could lead to something...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: Fun concept I guess - probably not terribly useful, but could lead to something...
3D virtualisation?