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Full Version: Anime Funsubbing/Parody Subbing Contest
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So as discussed earlier, this will be the first round of the funsubbing contest.

Contest duration
The contest will run for a week from today - this might be a little tight, so if people generally want more time, it can be extended another week.
UPDATE: extended for another week, so this contest ends two three weeks from when this post was made

This week's episode
The random anime episode for this week will be Akikan episode 6, (about) the first half.  I've encoded the relevant segment for your convenience:
PSP compatible MP4 (LQ) [13MB]
Original res PC MP4 (HQ) [30MB]

You may, instead, want to download the source episode instead - my copy was CoalGuys' version (FTP DL).  The segment starts from after the opening song and "sponsor" segment and ends at about 11:16.  (note, please turn off the subs if you're using this!).  Note that I recommend the segmented clips - it might be trickier to get things working if you choose to get the source episode.

Subtitle submission
Preferably, submit the subs in donkey format.  If you are unsure about how to do this, you can submit it in another format, or just give the transcripts (hopefully someone or I will time them) provided you give clear indication of what goes where.  See below for some pointers on making donkey subs.
UPDATE: you may also include custom fonts if you wish.
Please submit your subtitles and fonts in a single archive (even if you have no fonts).

Content & Judging
Content can be anything you want! (as long as the vocabulary doesn't consist of like, one word in total)  You guys are the judges.  At this point, it'll probably be an out of 10 thing, that is, a judge will give a /10 rating for each submission.  To encourage participants to vote, although they cannot vote for themselves, they will automatically get an assumed 10/10 for participating in voting.
This may change and more details will be given later.

Creating & Watching donkey subtitles
You may find it easier to put your "translations" in Notepad/Word first, but to make proper donkey files, I recommend getting the following tools:
- Aegisub - to create the subtitles
- Media Player Classic HomeCinema - if you don't already have this (this is included in both CCCP and K-Lite Codec Pack, however they're older versions and I'm unsure whether they have the proper donkey rendering capability - to be safe, just get the latest version :P) - to play the video with donkey subtitles.  Use another player if you wish, just make sure it properly renders donkey subtitles (most players don't do this).
- (optional) MKV Merge GUI - if you want to stick the subtitles with the video
- (optional) VSFilter - comes with K-Lite Codec Pack and CCCP, so you may already have this.  This is mainly for rendering donkey subs if you don't have a player which does.

Install Aegisub and run it.  Go Video menu » Open Video and select your downloaded MP4 file.  Then go Audio menu » Open audio from video.  After this, it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out - you pretty much select the area of audio you want to sub, enter the text in the textbox and commit the changes; it might take a little while to play around and get the hang of.  If in need of further help, check the help file.
When you go to save your work, it'll save as an donkey file.

To watch your work outside of Aegisub, load up Media Player Classic HomeCinema (MPC-HC).  Load the video in it, then go File » Load subtitle, and select the donkey file.
If you have custom fonts, you can either install them, or just open them (and leave them open) before playing the video.
can i cut & edit the vid? else it would be quite hard =\
You should call this the "Anime Parody Subbing Contest" instead probably.

Because noone's going to do real translations, (or just 'borrow' them off existing subs, which wee don't want).
Heartless141 Wrote:can i cut & edit the vid? else it would be quite hard =\
What do you mean?  Sub it in sections?

Assassinator Wrote:You should call this the "Anime Parody Subbing Contest" instead probably.

Because noone's going to do real translations, (or just 'borrow' them off existing subs, which wee don't want).
Okay, done.
i mean like cut certain scene and merge with other scene in the vid. disorder it?
Heartless141 Wrote:i mean like cut certain scene and merge with other scene in the vid. disorder it?
Change the actual video?  Hmm, I'd prefer it if you didn't and stuck to the original show, but if you want to do it, go ahead!  You'll obviously need to submit your modified video file, and I can't guarantee that it'll qualify for judging, though considering the difficultly of this...
I'm in :)

Downloaded all the updated software :D so you should see my entry soooooooon!
Cool :P

Should add, you can include custom fonts with the subtitles if you wish.
Just bumping this a bit.  A bit more than 2.5 days left, just wondering, how are people going?  Is this enough time?  Too difficult?  Anything should be changed, or are participants doing fine?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Just bumping this a bit.  A bit more than 2.5 days left, just wondering, how are people going?  Is this enough time?  Too difficult?  Anything should be changed, or are participants doing fine?

Plenty of time normally.

But you know exams are like all this week for me, so honestly, I haven't even looked at the scource yet.

Exams all finish tomorrow though, so still enough time.
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