Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Do you think this sounds like someone who is truly happy?

"I'm worried that one day I'll wake up and find all the happiness in my life was just a dream and I'm still stuck in the misery."
no   =\
i don't get it  , that's happy...
Sounds more like fear to me...

Wait, it sounds familiar... did you get it from Fight Club?
Sure. Being happy can only be decided by the person, maybe that's happiness to that person.
no . cause your dreading that all the happiness that you have is not real

what the doctor said

sounds more like fear
"I'm worried"
that means fear dood.

"I'm still stuck in the misery."
means that person is sad and is afraid of happiness
Dr_LaTino Wrote:Sounds more like fear to me...

Wait, it sounds familiar... did you get it from Fight Club?

No, it's someone I know, someone who used to be a good friend. :/
sounds like melancholy to me.

Its not sadness, but neither is it happy. More like a deep seated sad thought.
Just For your information. This is a friend who is rushing into some serious life decisions, and tells everyone how happy she is. I'm just curious if anyone else is seeing the cracks in the armor like I am.
Pages: 1 2
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