Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] Power SwitchBlocker v1.0
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Power SwitchBlocker v1.0

[Image: 26716icont1b1dc5.jpg]

File Description
A plugin that will help you disable/enable your Power Switch whenever you want.
No more accidental shutdowns while playing your favorite game!

This is not a BUG-FREE Release....

-Enables/Disables your psp power switch
-Block & Unblocks your psp power switch with the same button combo
-Works In VSH & Game Mode
-Works for both PSP Phat & PSP Slim
-Code Cleaning
-Credits,Readme and Changelog are now included

Some "BUGS":

-Holding the PowerSwitch button for more than 10secs will disable the plugin and shutdown your psp.

-If you press the power switch while you have it disabled , your psp will shutdown after you disable the power switch block.

-When you are in Block Mode (When your psp power switch is blocked/disabled) you can't Restart/Shutdown/Sleep your psp or start a usb connection.

-When you enter the game mode you need to re-enable the Power Switch Block with the button combo even if you did enable it in the VSH.

-Message ("Power Switch Blockisabled/Enabled") sometimes doesn't show up in game mode.

(credits to bbboyjcm)

Source: QJ.net
Reference URL's