Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Wait, What the fudge?!?
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[Image: Konachan.com%20-%2036199%20kyonko%20scho...yuutsu.jpg]

[Image: kyonko.jpg]

...the hell?
gender bender of kyon?
Heartless141 Wrote:oldddd

Odd that you would choose the letter "d" to stretch out there, how would that work?  For anyone else, either the o or l would work.

Ehh, this is the first I've seen of it.  There's even redone character songs with the opposing gender's voice.

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube
i saw some doujin + art work for kyonko and others like 2 months after last ep of haruhi out, but meh
Oddly enough, the more I look at it, the more I kinda like the differences.

[Image: 1208917608949.jpg]

[Image: 1205658397580.jpg]

[Image: 1209004983988.jpg]

K, I'm done.  Night.
Yeh iv seen this aswell,
i think it would be instresting, to be honest

But no body can replace haruhi :P
ooooh... i leik the last one :p
R!KKU Wrote:Yeh iv seen this aswell,
i think it would be instresting, to be honest

But no body can replace haruhi :P

there will be one, the 2nd haruhi with long hair
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