Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I vont to suck your blood
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Ha, that guest post was bait (read my above post)

[for those who don't understand, i posted as guest in position 20 to lure someone to post after me, and then deleted guest post]

...so guess who's in position #20 now...

/Assassinator assassinates eggroll, and drinks his blood.

that's not very fair, Syfe.

*preforms Harakiri.
lol that's what speedy posters get. and read my sig again.
what the heck does your PSP history have to do with this?
(smacks forehead) no "whoever stands in my way isn't worthy" it really should be "Those who stand in my way are not worthy, so back down now while you have the chance"
oh, ok.
next kill poster #34!!! OMG who is getting the sword next
yes I stabbed eggroll
Imma stab poster number 28.

*stabs YoYo.
YoYoBalls Wrote:yes I stabbed eggroll

poor eggroll. he had no idea what hit him.

I'm been manipulating this thread the whole time.

EDIT: so it's #28 now...

/Assassinator assassinates YoYoBalls.
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