Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The Random "I'm Bored Theard"
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Hi guys! im bored :(  What's Up?
Double post
This is the part were someone starts talking to me
You must be really bored, to make a bored thread lol
indeed, so bored that im posting in the help section of psp-hacks
im really bored that im thinking about registering at psp-hacks.
go ahead and do it

just to see what its like
hey people, im bored too..
does anyone know how i can make an .exe which will create some files on to my desktop?
like create what??
well i got these files, its like a mini project imdoing, a game..
and i want an exe which will put all the games onto the hardrive..like an installer i suppose..
uhhh I don't know ? I could link you to a good tut I have used before for programming on psp, it good

Damn that's alot of work.
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