Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Corrupt A Wish!
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Okay, let's play Corrupt a Wish!

The first poster will make a wish. Then the next poster will corrupt it and make a new one.


Poster 1 Wrote:I wish I had a PS3

poster 2 replies

Poster 2 Wrote:Granted. But it explodes and burns down your house.
I wish i had a blah blah blah...

then it goes on with poster 3, 4, 5, 6...whatever.

If you still don't get it, Get the fudge out you're an idiot, these are detailed explanations already.

And please people, actually make good corruptions for wishes. Not like,

Poster 5 Wrote:I wish I had all the ISOs in the world


please...ok, let the game begin.

I wish I had my own website.
Granted, but then ppl posted lots of ISO's on it which is ILLIGAL THEN U GET ARRIZTED!!! LOL!!

I wish I were prepared for my french oral tomorrow
Granted. But I lock you(?).

I wish someone would grant me permission to sticky this thread.
Well, I simply won't give you permission (already corrupted the wish).

I wish I was Punk Rocker with Flowers In My Hair.
granted, and all the flowers rot and make ur hair smell like spoon ≥3

i wish i get my dream car soon?
granted. But it is haunted, and you die of laughter.
lolz... if u say i screw up a drift and smash the car, im wack u crazy with the spoon
I wish that my school computers would let me do more.
granted, but you would watch hershey kisses and masturbate while being watched and get expelled
Double post
i wish i was prepared for my french oral tmrw
granted, but when telling your oral all your teeth fall out and can't talk.

I wish that some new good games would come out on psp soon....
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