need songs to play on audiosurf and record in HD
fast fast fast
Mona Lisa Overdrive by Juno Reactor and Don Davis
Clubbed to Death by Rob Dougan
do you have a sub woooofer?
my pc uses 5.1 suround of course i do
squee666 Wrote:my pc uses 5.1 suround of course i do
i dare you to try it....LOUD *but don't bust your woooofers*
I felt this song back many years ago at a party that consisted of an audio wall with 16x of the hugest subs i had ever seen and dozens of mid and high range spekaers all over the place...holey donkey bananas i thought my insides were going to pop from the bass and my brain get twisted the way it was throwing the high sounds all over the room! and the song gets faster and faster as it goes :D
I hope you record it :D
wow its sick im recording it now
utter chaos
hahahhaaaa i cantwait to see it yu should cut the mp3 around 2:40 and start playing from that spot...its like double speed!
border 70 by hideki naganuma
a lot of his other music is good too
also I would recommend skankfunk and most of the music they did in air gear
this is just me though...
I usually played redalice/alice's emotion and some random j-core on audiosurf...just for the sheer speed of the music.
I might get their music again D:
Aphex Twin. Lots... of Aphex Twin.