Endless Paradigm

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I was having an awesome dream earlier but just now woke up.  I wanted to share it, and ask how your dreams usually go.

For some reason, I constantly have dreams where I not only have the ability to use telekinesis, but can also fly, and walk through walls. All are pretty common for me, even in seemingly normal dreams (what constitutes normal though...?).  

When I can fly, it is rarely fast.  Usually I have to force myself straight up into the air, at a pretty slow speed, often while carrying a girl.  Then I move forward faster and faster but never extremely fast.  

With the walking through walls one, I usually have a 50% chance or so of being able to walk through walls consistently at the start, but once I get going after a while, it is almost impossible to stop me.  

With the telekinesis one, I usually just move smaller objects, but have to hold out my hand at first, in like a cupped or heaving motion, but very slowly.  Then I can control whatever I am trying to move.  

It usually isn't all the powers at once, but rather just one or two of the powers.  
I don't usually end up being a hero or anything. Usually I just use the powers to mess around or just impress people for fun.  However, on rare occasions, like last night, if something pisses me off while I'm dreaming, instead of trying to fix it, I might turn into a villain.

As far last night's dream, I had all the powers at once, until (try not to get lost) a girl messed up a country song I was singing while I was flying through walls inside and outside a big restaurant.  I had impressed a bunch of girls, who eventually left the restaurant to go outside and watch me sing and fly and stuff.  They all started joining in, with one of them helping the song by hitting really high notes.  However, she ended up hurting her voice and falling off a human pyramid they'd gotten in.  

Of course, this really angered me because she had ruined my song.  So I started throwing things with my telekinesis at the crowd below me.  That's when three or four super heroes joined in to try to take me down.  I ended up losing all but one of the heroes as I escaped by going through a few walls, and then flying very fast away.  A super stretchy, flying super hero caught me and, in the end, beat me.  However, as wee walked together discussing good and evil, he decided not to take me in, but rather hide me from his fellow heroes, since he saw two of them coming.  He put me under a pile of leaves really quick, while I was smoking a cigarette.  

Then one of the other super heroes came in and started sniffing me out because of my cigarette.  I ended up falling unconscious because I was apparently hiding right on top of some radioactive chemicals.  My dream then cut out and I saw some previews of what was going to happen next.  Apparently I ended up slowly turning into what looked like a yellowish green huge guy that resembled The Thing from the Fantastic Four.  Also, apparently I could now stretch really far whenever I wanted to, but I didn't get to see what other powers I had that had transformed or stayed the same.

Then I woke up to my girlfriend's text message.  How about you guys?  Do you ever had any dreams in which you have super powers, and if so, which super powers and how do the dreams go, if you can remember?

Also, another super power I often have (in fact I have this super power probably as often as the flying one) is the ability to see through my eyelids when they are closed.  Beware all who might sneak up on me!!! 
I dream about ---

/no nothing really...
best superpower is control of the atom
I once had a dream that my best friend had some really lame superpowers (like super hearing/smelling) but never myself.
Lol, you probably read/watch too many comics/movies/games... (involving superheros)

I guess I did once dream that I could hover, but nothing spectacular really.
Actually I never read comics, and I never really played that many games with super heroes in them, nor watched that many movies with them.  I've just always had dreams like that.
I've dreamed of being able to fly and having superhuman strength before. Not all the time like you do though, I rarely ever dream of that stuff.
my dreams reflect everything that haunt me in life (especially my love life..... which sucks...... cause I've never had a girlfriend.....).... it almost seems like my dreams mock me..... particularly when I'm looking forward to something
In terms of super powers I think I had a dream where I could make anyone explode and blood and guts would fly everywhere when they did explode.
Sparker Wrote:In terms of super powers I think I had a dream where I could make anyone explode and blood and guts would fly everywhere when they did explode.

Sounds fun. Seriously.
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