Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Help Me Stay Awake
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So spring break is over for me :(, and i start school in 3 hours and 36 minutes. I can't sleep so i need some way to stay up for 8 hours of school, one hour of football practice, and an hour of weight training. Im counting on E-People to help me find a way of staying of. Drugs aren't an option sorry. 10 e-piggies to who ever actually suggests something that works.
Red Bull or Equivalent....just do a bottle every hour or so

As an added bonus, when you get home you'll just collapse and sleep
roberth Wrote:Red Bull or Equivalent....just do a bottle every hour or so

As an added bonus, when you get home you'll just collapse and sleep

I would, but those aren't allowed in school :(
Mickey Wrote:Drugs aren't an option sorry.

could ya elaborate on that one? drugs as in illegal drugs or all drugs including meds?
i don't know if you have em over there, but here wee have some random tabs called pro-plus which apparantly give you a burst of energy and keep you awake.
dedat Wrote:
Mickey Wrote:Drugs aren't an option sorry.

could ya elaborate on that one? drugs as in illegal drugs or all drugs including meds?
i don't know if you have em over there, but here wee have some random tabs called pro-plus which apparantly give you a burst of energy and keep you awake.

Where can I get them??? Like Boots or something??
Lol, i ended up just sleeping in every class :p
^ Eh, that works, as long as the teacher doesn't hate you.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:^ Eh, that works, as long as the teacher doesn't hate you.

None of them really cared, except the Honors English teacher kept stopping the class whenever i put my head down, so half the period was waiting on me
Mickey Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:^ Eh, that works, as long as the teacher doesn't hate you.

None of them really cared, except the Honors English teacher kept stopping the class whenever i put my head down, so half the period was waiting on me
Lols.  Should've faked a collapse and see how long they would wait :P
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Mickey Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:^ Eh, that works, as long as the teacher doesn't hate you.

None of them really cared, except the Honors English teacher kept stopping the class whenever i put my head down, so half the period was waiting on me
Lols.  Should've faked a collapse and see how long they would wait :P

The longest they waited was 15 minutes before my friend went up to me and slapped my head :(
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