So I've been trying to get FFVII to work on my PSP but there seems to be one major problem, whenever I try to load a Pops version it freezes the PSP. Now if I load it from the Original Flash it works fine unless I try to start a game, once a click NEW GAME it goes to a black screen (doesn't freeze just goes black and nothing works from there) I'm currently running Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-6, so I really don't know what is wrong

Pretty sure the only pops that played ff7 is 3.71 or 3.72.
or are you saying that when you hold the r trigger after launchign your game you do not get the pops menu, instead the psp crashes? That would mean your pops is not setup right.
No the pops menu loads up when I hold R and start the game but if I try to play in anything other then "original from flash" the pops menu freezes and I have to reboot the PSP. And If I try to play using "original from flash" I can only get to the main menu because once I try to start a new game the screen goes black and doesn't go on with the game
are all the PRX files in the right place (ms0:\seplugins\popsloader\) and are they all named correctly?
FF7 works fine with original from flash in 5.00M33-6, maybe it have .bin iso inside the eboot, mine ive reconverted my iso files to clone cd (with .ccd and img files) and reconvert it to eboot, and then it works fine, i do have my own copy of FF7 discs so maybe that's the only difference i think
mine works fine?
i downloaded mine from a torrent*
same problem. using any other than original from flash on my 5.00 m33-6 psp freezes it. except most games work for me...
roberth Wrote:are all the PRX files in the right place (ms0:\seplugins\popsloader\) and are they all named correctly?
How would I make sure if everything is right with my Pops? I mean I re-downloaded them and put them in but it still does the same thing
Frozengale Wrote:roberth Wrote:are all the PRX files in the right place (ms0:\seplugins\popsloader\) and are they all named correctly?
How would I make sure if everything is right with my Pops? I mean I re-downloaded them and put them in but it still does the same thing
check if it includes all prx for 3.00 up to 4.01 if it doesn't try to search a complete package for all pops version somewhere in the net