Endless Paradigm

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here's a new sig i made (made it quite a while ago to be honest but only just got round to uploading it)

[Image: GANONDORFpsdpsd.jpg]
nice who's the ugly guy with the wicked nose and eye brows that connect to his hair?
R!KKU Wrote:nice who's the ugly guy with the wicked nose and eye brows that connect to his hair?

it's ganondorf from legend of zelda
R!KKU Wrote:nice who's the ugly guy with the wicked nose and eye brows that connect to his hair?

What Rikku actually Meant Wrote:
R!KKU Wrote:nice ugly guy with the wicked nose and eye brows that connect to his hair... <3

the text = meh.. the black border like thing = wow..

nice... its pretty good!
i liek the colors, border is ok, but i don't like that the render sorta fades into the background. Also, you  can still kinda see his outline, like on the left side
it took many, many layers to get the colours just right..... loads of colour balance, contrast adjustment layers and loads of cloud renders....
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