Endless Paradigm

Full Version: User based option to disable random banner/titles
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PSPkiller Wrote:Eh? It's not working! I set it to naot change the name/logo and they're changing again! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!

did you try to change the logo after saying do not change? maybe that undoes that switch?
This is cool. I love all the randomness of the borders, but at school I do get some cross glances as to what the hell I'm looking at. Good thinking Zinga!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Can't seem to reproduce hibbyware's problem unfortunately...  Tried reloading the index page a number of times but still works for me :/

Maybe the problem was my end then,

I will enable the banners again and see what happens,


No I could not reproduce the same error again,
this is probab;y the only one that causes problems to be honest

[Image: experiencedpedofiles.jpg]

(no offense to the person that made this one.... but the title does sound a little suspicious)
andrewcc Wrote:this is probab;y the only one that causes problems to be honest

[Image: experiencedpedofiles.jpg]

(no offense to the person that made this one.... but the title does sound a little suspicious)

Are you sure that's the only one that causes problems?
Sparker Wrote:
andrewcc Wrote:this is probab;y the only one that causes problems to be honest

[Image: experiencedpedofiles.jpg]

(no offense to the person that made this one.... but the title does sound a little suspicious)

Are you sure that's the only one that causes problems?

No, I can say that  I have gotten weird looks when these borders are up:
[Image: exposedpantsu.jpg]
[Image: energeticprostitue.jpg]


[Image: Old-LastYearAirlines.jpg]
roberth Wrote:by now everyones gotten used to my odd browsing habits at college, but cool option

same here...

all though the "erotic paradise" still gets a few raised eyebrows..
I've never gotten any reations because I always avoid people looking at my screen.
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