Endless Paradigm

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Well if you believe in life after death??
Who do you want to be reborn as?

for me example
Id like to be reborn as someone with a great plan,
And extreme intelligence Since i lack both in my life
As meself but in a different world,. ;p (and if posible i also want to remember whot is was in the before world)
Rather be ressurected than reincarnated

Wander round everywhere as a skeleton with flesh hanging off my body??? YES PLEASE!!!

I'd like to be reborn a thousand year later... to the emperor of the universe...

oh wait...

I have unlimited phoenix down...

I shall never die!
i don't believe in an afterlife so i must exploit as much as i can out of this life!
being an aithiest is just my way of life.
although the idea that i will go to the giant internet in the sky is fun
reincarnation is also amusing, but as i happen to be a ninja and a vampire, i can't dieXD
I want to be reborn in Japan^^ Or if it's laaaate in the future I want to be a captain of a space ship^^
i want a power that make me different from others, I'm bored of these normal daylife =\
only one life, and I'm a third of the way through. I'm not counting on an afterlife, i need to quit smoking and eat much healthier.

if i could be reborn? housecat with a brother in a big house in the country, good owners.
if there's an afterlife? i hope i get to converse with some interesting people. i hope afterlife is like life, without money and social status...
i sure hope i don't go to hell, if there's a hell.
I'd be a bird... until I get shot down (which then I'd be a dead bird, then reborn).

feinicks Wrote:I have unlimited phoenix down...

I shall never die!
You cannot use Phoenix Downs when you are dead.
Phoenix Downs are only useful when you are dead.
i would want to be an inca dude.
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