Endless Paradigm

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i hate tcg's. all i ever played was pokemon
which i didnt play, i just collected
Assassinator Wrote:why highlight moxes and lotus? it is a type 1 deck, so they are all legal.

if ur wondering why i put them together, i sorted it into catagories of

>>mana producers
>>combo peices (only combo deck ever that only has 1 combo peice)
>>fetch and draw

Meandeck ZiNgA BuRgA rips Meandeck Tendrils, Worldgorger Dragon (i play this deck, proxying the power 9 and bazaar), 2 Land Belcher and the rest in all the important aspect of a combo deck: speed, reliability of kill, resilience against hate.

No. Its 'cause I'm poor.

_VEndeTta Wrote:No. Its 'cause I'm poor.


Even if people have the money, they usually don't bother, proxies is the way to go,

unless if u want to compete in official DCI sanctioned tournaments, in which case the cost of gaining the years of experience needed to do well is probably more than the cost of the cards anyways. (only for type 1 tourneys. type 2 is full of noobs, and anyone who knows not to play 5 colour decks can do alright)

Some of the tournaments here also allow proxies for the power 9, and some other expensive cards like bazaar of baghdad, mishra's workshop and stuff.

then again, if u are running the card ZiNgA BuRgA's Intervention, then the experience is not neccessary at all. Just mulliganning repeatedly untill u get it would beat most other type 1 decks.
what happens if u mulligan away ur last card... well, u have no cards left.

By the way, NEVER mulligan 6 times. try not to mulligan at all generally, unless if ur hand is THAT spoon.
:O  No hand...  that's a pretty bad disadvantage... :P
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote::Shocked:  No hand...  that's a pretty bad disadvantage... :Tongue:

It doesn't take close to 6 mulligans to get either ZiNgA BuRgA's Intervantion or a fetch card to fetch it. (if u don't know what I'm talking about, it's about the deck i made using that zinga burga card, on the previous page.)

looking at the deck, 4 zinga interventions, and 11 fetch. ur drawing 7, so the chance of not getting one on the 1st draw is (45/60)x(44/59)x(43/58)...(39/54) = 0.1175007946...= anout 12% chance of not drawing. +u have 6 draw cards, making ur chance higher, but mana restrictions may make ur chance lower. so overall, i say 90% chance of 1st turn kill, without mulligan. After 1 mulligan, u have another ~85% chance of getting it, making ur chacne of failing 1.5%. now that's not really going to happen, and if it does, then mulligan again, and u got a 0.3% chance=negligible chance of failing.

So yeah, by mulliganning when appropriate, u have a (very, very, close to) perfect chance of victory on the 1st turn.
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