Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Tired... so much...
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I am so tired... my body aches, my eyes hurt, my head is bursting and I hit by a door on my nose... I went through traffic with dust as my food, smoked a cigarette just to realise that I had lost the habit and ended up coughing like I had TB. While I was sitting on a chair, I realised that it was broken... midway down, and ended up on the ground (a funny angle, I might add.. luckily, no one saw) as I tried to avoid sitting on it. My workstation had no LAN connectivity and I spent an hour it figuring out what was wrong just to realise that it was plugged into the wrong socket... >_>... Sadist

Tough day... out of nowhere, my head starts hurting, my shoulder (old injury) starts aching, my ankle (older-than-your-jesus injury) twists on a stair and starts throbbing again and eventually, midway throught the day, my eyes start hurting... I am supposed to wear specs since the doctors discovered that I had a cylindrical number, but no lens suited me, so no specs...and then continuing from my shoulder, head, eyes and ankle, the pain spread to my back... now that is a highly.... well anyone with a backache will know...

Then I had to ride my bike back home... I am a die hard biker and will never go anywhere without my bike. Howeverm with the above mentioned conditions, plus traffic + dust + stupid MOTHERFUCKING bus honking in my ears = A very bad ride home.

Also, to top that... I'm not even feeling like sleeping...


Well... am done ranting....

Now use this thread to sPa/\/\... (that is why this isn't in my blog... LOL!!)

Well.. now to finish that wallpaper...
1 word >> Buhahahahahha!!!

take a fuzzy warm bath >!?
Man that sucks :/

I get backache because when I was about 12 I was on a rope swing that swooped over a massive drop (around 20ft, and being me, I fell of and hit the ground really suddenly and narrowly (like inches) missed breaking my back on a log O_O
Ouch, man. It would be a good idea for you if you were to believe a day twice as BETTER is coming up for you soon. That's what I do.
Well... I am happy where I'm working now.. so...
Jeez man... That sounds like a pretty chocolatety day...
Turn your stereo up and watch this clip,.

Destruction blues 2(there might be a small comercial before the clip):

100% stress relief! Hihi
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