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Full Version: BookR version 0.8
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[RELEASE] BookR version 0.8

[Image: 14tstc8.jpg]

[Image: j9264j.jpg]

source = http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t=147564

Bookr - a document reader for the Sony PSP - http://bookr.sf.net

About Bookr
Bookr is a document reader for the Sony PSP licensed under the GNU General
Public License v2. At the moment it supports plain text, PDF, CHM, HTML files.

To install simply copy the Bookr folder to your Memory Stick \PSP\GAME folder.

Release Notes

V8.0 by Nguyen Chi Tam (nguyenchitam@gmail.com)
- Uses internal Internet Browser to display CHM/HTML files.
- Can convert Vietnamese HTML content to display on Internet Browser (which
at the moment does not support Vietnamese Codepage)
- Use swap button correctly

Cool :)

By the way Gadget I love your avy :P
now this is a helpful homebrew, thanks for posting it.
version 8.0? i believe you mean 0.8
yah that supposed 0.8, lol

anyways has higher resolution pdfs can view now in this version? i can't view some playboy pdf, lol
krystabegnalie Wrote:yah that supposed 0.8, lol

anyways has higher resolution pdfs can view now in this version? i can't view some playboy pdf, lol
Make the PDFs simpler lol.  If you need all the fancy graphics, stick to individual images.

Great for eBooks, especially now with CHM support.
MehHakker Wrote:Cool :)

By the way Gadget I love your avy :P

It is pretty funny eh?!  I got this sent to me as one of those "joke text messages" that evereyone receives. & I thought it would be perfect for an avatar!!!,.. lol

whjms Wrote:version 8.0? i believe you mean 0.8

If Yes, my bad, I fixed it....lol...
Isn't this the same app that is in IRShell?
iR Shell includes Bookr as a plugin, yes.
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