02/03/2009, 12:49 AM
![[Image: NewsSuggest_C87MCQT2.jpg]](http://www.mypsp.com.au/img/news/NewsSuggest_C87MCQT2.jpg)
ReadMe Wrote:Beta 2 has been released and the SourceForge site. https://sourceforge.net/projects/daedalusx64/ It comes in several flavors this time.
Lite: Just what you need to play (Less than 1Mb)
Expansion: The controller configs, Box Art Previews for most ROMs
Full: Lite + Expansion (Recommended for most users)
Developer: Like full, but built in debug mode. Recommended for Debuggers.
For those with custom firmware on their PSP the DaedalusX64 folder goes in the the PSP/Game folder of the memory card. Your Nintendo 64 ROMs go the either the Roms folder for in a N64 folder in the root of the memory card.
Recommended Settings and Notes:
Texture Update Check: Disabled
(Needed by some games like MarioKart.)
FrameSkip: 2
(Just recommended for best overall speed)
Limit FrameRate: Yes
(As things get faster this gets more useful.)
Double Display Lists: Disabled
(Only needed by some game to fix shaking. GoldenEye, SouthPark Rally)
Dynamic Recompilation: Enabled
(Shouldn't be buggy and this is where most of the speed comes from.)
Dynamic Stack Optimisation: Enabled
(This works with Dynamic Recompilation for extra speed.)
Dynamic Loop Optimisation: Enabled
(This is a small speed-up, but does break some games. The one that worked in R13, but broke in R14.Can be turned off for compatibility)
High Level Emulation: Enabled
(This is a new speed-up that should be stable. Any crashes caused by this should be reported to Howard0su.)
OFF - Fastest and Most Stable
Sync - Slowest, but also Stable
Async - Fast, but unstable (Use save states often.)
Controller: This comes from the ControllerConfigs folder. Chose which config you want here.
Change Log
DaedalusX64 Beta 2 - 1 March 2009
* Added exception handler to emulation (Chilly Willy)
* Made UI selection wrap at top and bottom (Chilly Willy)
* Cleaned up the ROM preferences (Chilly Willy)
* ME Audio uses CPU event (CPU event system made thread-safe) (Chilly Willy)
* ME Audio made conditional (Async = ME, Sync = Old Audio) (Chilly Willy)
* Several Custom Blends Added (Kreationz, ShinyDude100, Wally)
* Rewrote microcode detection to fix a couple of bugs (StrmnNrmn)
* Added support for LOAD_UCODE, fixes a number of rendering glitches (StrmnNrmn)
* Speed hack detection (howard0su)
* Added JPEG support (howard0su)
* Fixed an assert causing some homebrew not to run (StrmnNrmn)
* Added support for FlashRam and Eeprom16k save type (howard0su)
* Reworked saving/loading system (howard0su)
* OSEHLE Enabled with several OSHLE commands (Small speed up)(howard0su)
* Improved Audio ME code (Faster with Audio on) (Chilly Willy)
* Use VFPU to handle more transform and lighting (StrmnNrmn)
* Various rendering optimisations (StrmnNrmn)
* Various ucodes, many games show up correctly now (Wally)
* Corrected many savetypes in rom.ini (Wally)
* Various code cleanup (howard0su)