Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How many will eat pizza today?
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Fennicks has made us all far to hungry by tempting us with a delicious looking piece of pizza, and I was curious as to how many people would be now getting pizza because of him. I know I will. Thanks a lot. Fucker.
* Mickey raises hand
[Image: pizza-pepperoni-bacon-1.jpg]

the Pizza in question.
You're welcome by the way! Enjoy your pizza!
I will now that I seen that photo lol
Oh yeah, gee thanks BUDDY!!!
Oh yeah, don't forget to vote. vote.Vote.VOTE!
I swear, I COULD SMELL IT Erk Erk Erk Erk
and sPa/\/\
It seemed like it, didn't it? My stomach growled, and my mouth watered, and it was all much too terrible........
Pages: 1 2 3
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