Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How many will eat pizza today?
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* feinicks is full!
SchmilK Wrote:
ZesoM Wrote:I hate you Schmilk. I really do. I'll put a pic of my lunch if they're serving pizza today.

omg you have no idea how bad my stomach is screaming for this right now!  But i have to wait at least 8 hours :(

wow man, 8 hours? that sucks really bad. I got to wait like, a few minutes, lolz
it's friday so there is a good chance I will eat pizza today.
depends what time me and my mates start drinking :P
i might be, on a friday i go to my dads and if hes been working he CBA to cook so wee either have pizza or curry.

i will update you on the situation after noming the shiz
nope,...fish and chips tonight :)
i ate pizza all week,. :/ tonight its pancakes with salade,.. Hihi
ZesoM Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:
ZesoM Wrote:I hate you Schmilk. I really do. I'll put a pic of my lunch if they're serving pizza today.

omg you have no idea how bad my stomach is screaming for this right now!  But i have to wait at least 8 hours :(

wow man, 8 hours? that sucks really bad. I got to wait like, a few minutes, lolz

damn you!  well i have to work for 2 more hours..then I have to wait for Mrs and her brother to come home 3 or 4 hours later...then wee go

nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Then I will continue my fury in killzone 2 if gamejerk, i mean gamestop is selling them today or has not sold out even!  :X
No pizza today...  

However, I leave you with this:

[Image: Brooklyn%20Style%20Pizza-712w.jpg]
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