Endless Paradigm

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I was going through some of the work I have posted here and came by these two sigs that were generally liked, but desired some better elements. So, though I no longer have their PSDs, I tried to re-work on them a little bit.

The tags:

[Image: GirlNinja-1.png]

Spoiler for from this:
[Image: GirlNinja.png]

[Image: PotraitofDestinyrework.png]

Spoiler for from this:
[Image: PotraitofDestiny.png]

diego Wrote:topazed?

not much... cause it was already topazed back then. I used LucisArt, a little...
I like manually doing some non-destructive dodging and burning.
diego Wrote:eww.
I like manually doing some non-destructive dodging and burning.

So do I now that I have more skills than in those days... LucisArt, I discovered yesterday. I used a minuscule amount in the second sig.

But in those days, I had little skill in dodging, blurring sharpening. I have some skills now,..

however, Topaz is a very powerful tool if used properly and non-excessively.
Yes I would say you evolved.
Don't really like your current though.
You mean CC?

Frankly, I am not that interested in sigs nowadays... I am inclining more towards LPs, photography and 3D art..
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