Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PatchSFO for 3.XX OE
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CarBoyCam releases this new PatchSFO for 3.XX OE, based on the original PatchSFO for the 2.80 xLoaderapp developed by the Noobz team. This one was born out of CarBoyCam playing around with 3.40 OE-A customizations and finding his GAME150 homebrew corrupted afterwards.

Now CarBoyCam admits this is his first homebrew ever, so as he puts it,
Cool thank's for the news.
Still don't see why the 2.80 PatchSFO won't work.  Meh, there's always vshmain redirecting...

Okay app I guess, if the 2.80 PatchSFO doesn't work :S
did you try it?
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