Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Killzone 2 IS HERE!
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* .:ʕΘЯg@nʔ:.™ trips feinicks as he runs & grabs KZ3
* feinicks laughs at .:ʕΘЯg@nʔ:.™'s back, takes the Killzone 2 back home and then realises he has no PS3 ...

* feinicks cries and return KZ2 to Nacos
* Nacos puts KZ2 in PS3
* Nacos starts playing

*Suddenly all power goes out*
Damn, lucky bitch. KZ2 doesn't come out until Friday here. Also, the laser on my PS3 is broken, so I can't play it anyway :(
Just beat killZone on hard now to go at it in elite mode, hard was easy LOL
.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:Just beat killZone on hard now to go at it in elite mode, hard was easy LOL

Damn!  I'm playing on hard as well cause I like the challenge, but aiming is so damn hard it drives me nuts like a steering wheel for a belt buckle...but I am so craptacular with the gamepad I am having a hard time staying alive :(

I have also been sick since Saturday and had dreams of rebuying it on accident and loosing my ps3 and breaking my hands and all kinds of spoon LMAO....its been wierd in my head the past few days of being unhealthy..  :(
go and burn... all of you...
SchmilK Wrote:
.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:Just beat killZone on hard now to go at it in elite mode, hard was easy LOL

Damn!  I'm playing on hard as well cause I like the challenge, but aiming is so damn hard it drives me nuts like a steering wheel for a belt buckle...but I am so craptacular with the gamepad I am having a hard time staying alive :(

I have also been sick since Saturday and had dreams of rebuying it on accident and loosing my ps3 and breaking my hands and all kinds of spoon LMAO....its been wierd in my head the past few days of being unhealthy..  :(

that makes two of us, the sick part that is lol
I know what you mean just wait tell you play on elite mode LOL they take away your gun's crosshairs  & add twice as many pawn's to kill lol, may take me a week to beat elite mode
I started up kz2 on saturday i think and there was an update and i was like 'HELLL YEAH, maybe they added a dead zone configuration for controlls"...but they didnt :(  it was just an update to fight against stat padders :(
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