Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I can haz last.fm
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A friend of mine convinced me to join last.fm and so far I pretty like it^^
Anyone else here using it? My friends list is so empty besides two people... Emptyone

Feel free to add me, my last.fm name is.... surprise..... SkyDX!^^
Been thinking about it... Is it good though?
Well it imports your entire music history from Winamp or WMP so you'll have a fast start^^ It also suggests you new music by what you listened which I find very nice so you have ideas what you could listen to next. You can also compare your compatibility level with your friends and other people on last.fm, I admit kinda useless but fun nonetheless.
I say it's good, give it a go^^
I will when I'm baack

usually i don't listen to music very often on my pc.. i like CDs :)
added both of you^^ Would like to see you too someday Sensei^^
Cool, I've had a profile there before but I couldn't remember what it was called after the summer :/ so I made this a couple of months back :)


EDIT: This is Mythos' profile in English :P http://www.last.fm/user/MythosXe
Thanks!^^ Added you MehHakker
Yaayyyy :)
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