Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3 4
DEAD I say.

[Image: 3303477426_5e84a5861b_o.jpg]
Damn gay dA won't let me upload.
sad but true.....

unless people are willing to bring it back to life!
SOTW where!! Blingeye

Nice picture, almost unreal!
Vegetano1 Wrote:SOTW where!! Blingeye

Nice picture, almost unreal!

Artificial light :D
Wowwww nice pic :) I need to do some macro shots..
but but.... i don't even understand what is this section about ;-;
Its the DEAD section about GRAPHICS that people from EP USED TO engage in A LOT!
Kittykate Wrote:but but.... i don't even understand what is this section about ;-;

The section is for graphics.
Pictures, photoshopped things, anything that is graphic.
Kittykate Wrote:but but.... i don't even understand what is this section about ;-;

Pages: 1 2 3 4
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