Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Site Slow?
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Pages: 1 2 3
OMFG! I didn't know that. I found this pic on google.

Awesome. rep+
still nothing here
well im out cya

ohayougosaimasu :P
Maybe it's just Zinga.
For a little while, I noticed pics weren't loading, then I had trouble staying logged in. Overall, it can be slow, but I can't pin it down to a single issue.
When giving rep points or editing a post, takes a little while.
You have chosen the visage of one kickass card my friend. :great:
haha I didn't even know that. :p

and thanks.
Its not going slow for me, its ok.
2/2 for one mana...  meh.
Okay here, too.
Pages: 1 2 3
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