Endless Paradigm

Full Version: wallpaper I mad with 3Ds max
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[Image: new1s.jpg]

[Image: fine4now.jpg]

I get really bored sometimes LOL
At first I saw nothing but black. Then I saw the texture where the sidebar is... Looks nice! I thought you must made some elaborate 3D thing.
yeah I had two textures that I wanted to use but they where little
so I used MAX to repeat the textures

the black was cool & it started there

I made a plan & tiled it up looked cool then I got to looking at the sidebar
so I made a slim plain on the side
& tiled this on it

that was cool but I was still bored so I added this
I added it to the black texture as a bump & set it to 999

& yeah I know I could have used paint shop but oh well looks Okay as a wallpaper
Nice!! :)
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