...How did you picture the Sony Employees?
I am now admitting to say that I pictured that they was in such shock and pissed off, they started ripping out their testicles, no seriously I did...
they started pointing fingers :p
I have always thought that it might even actually have been an Sony employee who let out the secret of the battery exploit, under severe conditions of anonymity.
feinicks Wrote:I have always thought that it might even actually have been an Sony employee who let out the secret of the battery exploit, under severe conditions of anonymity.
Someone who got fired and wanted to get back at Sony

Though I doubt that happened.
I think most of the technical team suicided XD
They Had A Party As They Wouldn't Have To Create Any More Patches To Stop Da Hacksorz.
when they all had hangovers they logged on to the pirate-o-meter and saw saw that the amount of people who are downloading psp games had tripled.
*knocks on door*
Errm... Boss I need to tell you something...
What is it?
Well it's regarding our PSP unbricking factory mode...
Umm..... How should I put it..... this Dark Alex guy has made an universal custom firmware tool out of it....
half of them probably hacked their own psps to be honest....