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Sony Japan Looking For "New Game Hardware" Testers

[Image: new_hardware_sony.jpg]

job listing has appeared on the Sony Computer Entertainment website, looking for individuals to test "new model game hardware."

The Sony job listing says, "Experience an in-development game console (hardware) early!"

Job duties include checking on, reporting on and giving input for a in-development game hardware. The listing's Q&A reads: "This is specifically for a new model and unannounced game hardware for PS3, PS2, PSP and its peripherals." Note: In the original Japanese text, Sony separates those hardware platforms with commas only (there's not an "and), making it somewhat vague whether this is new hardware for each or all three.

This is a full time position. It starts this March and looks to run a year. There's a one month trail period, after which those awarded the position can look to make over ¥1,000 (US$10.70) per hour. Travel expenses are covered, and there's the possibility for a raise. This position is in Tokyo and is not open to students.

This very public job listing might get more fuel to those very persistent PSP2 rumors. Though, it also might simply be more a continuation of the current PSP and PS3 hardware iterations: slimmer with more memory.

新型ゲーム機評価スタッフ [SCEI]

i like the guy's pic above that sony site, lol

anyways i think that's the prerogative of sony to have only contractual employess to lessen cost for employees wages, that they have already mass layoff some of its employees last year, lol
:o i neeed to go to japan!
*gets in car and crashes into a tree* *crawls out of car and steals a bike* *HiJack's a plane going to Los Angeles" "Crashes halfway to Japan* *Waits for a car to pick me up* *finds a car* *gets on a fish boat* *arrives in Japan* *says yes!* *finds out the positions are taken* *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
I would do it...
but mother would never let me...

by travel expenses... will they pay for you to go to japan?
you would probably have to speak japanese...

I have questions
you would have to speak japanese, and for most work visa situations you need a 4 year degree, even if this job doesn't require one.

The wage for it is extremely low. You can make almost 1000 yen working at a fast food place here in Japan. Travel expenses from home to work would be covered, which is the norm for jobs in Tokyo.

I doubt working at this job you would be doing anything that fascinating. The rewards aren't really aimed at people that would keep their mouths shut.
maybe if i could work there with av idols, like maria ozawa and reon kadena, , even in small salary and with language barriers, i can live with that, lol
I pass on everything but the 4 year degree.. kung ffffFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU etc
brentbizzle Wrote:you would have to speak japanese, and for most work visa situations you need a 4 year degree, even if this job doesn't require one.

The wage for it is extremely low. You can make almost 1000 yen working at a fast food place here in Japan. Travel expenses from home to work would be covered, which is the norm for jobs in Tokyo.

I doubt working at this job you would be doing anything that fascinating. The rewards aren't really aimed at people that would keep their mouths shut.

Pretty much same in my country... not too far away from Japan, but can't afford the cost of the Visa and the journey... though imo, Designing will be a lot better than Testing.
krystabegnalie Wrote:maybe if i could work there with av idols, like maria ozawa and reon kadena, , even in small salary and with language barriers, i can live with that, lol

just a little motor boating whenever you see them would make it oooh sooo worth while :D
What if it was PSP-4000?
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