Endless Paradigm

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lol... well, if you remove the last part, then its actually a good site!
wow i thought the site is all about rickrollin, but i failed, its more fun in the main page, thanks feinicks!!
Veoh >_>  Videos are still blocky as hell that even I notice it...
Would rather wait for the download.
I hate Veoh vids. Either the stream is slow, or always, the audio lags.
well i don't like veoh in the first place, lol

crunchyroll has been a nice site for animes, but for now, oh well
actually there are so manysite available for streaming. I usually keep switching. But, that is only for anime of infinite episodes (like One Piece, Naruto etc). If there are just 13-25 episodes, its more than worth it to download them episode wise. Or if you can't find a downloadable version of the anime... then stream is fine!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Veoh >_>  Videos are still blocky as hell that even I notice it...
Would rather wait for the download.

Download would come out 1st.

I mean you have to have the fansubs first in order to get them on the streaming site right?
well i don't like to stream, i always download animes with sub in one particular site, lol
I always download directly from the IRC source or torrents. Streaming sucks.
Assassinator Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Veoh >_>  Videos are still blocky as hell that even I notice it...
Would rather wait for the download.

Download would come out 1st.

I mean you have to have the fansubs first in order to get them on the streaming site right?

I think he means wait for it to finish downloading

But true, some people watch entire movies on streaming, but ill put up with the wait and actually get to see what im watching instead

And i have a Usenet site that dealing only in Anime, so i have it easy lol
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