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Just killed my Wii.. fully bricked i installed the wrong system menu which semi bricked it and then uninstalled and installed the right system menu and now it won't boot "/ I wanted to update to 3.2E from 3.1
The irony it was all for starfall which is supposed to save wii's i never got as far as to installing it...

But anyways apparently the Wii has a pandora type tool called Savemii which is basically a gamecube memory card which makes the wii boot from disc rather than the nand  combined with a disc that boots the homebrew channel then any region changer... which is a relieve


25 euros or 30 dollars which ain't bad if it happens to anybody else hope this thread helps.
Sorry to hear about your [Image: brick.jpg]

I don't know anything about
UN[Image: brick.jpg]ING Wiis..

Good Luck fixing your [Image: brick.jpg]
to bad that's not happening with my famicom
I don't have to worry about bricks because I have my wii chipped so there so be a way of saving it If I do manage to brick.
Sparker Wrote:I don't have to worry about [Image: brick.jpg]s because I have my wii chipped so there so be a way of saving it If I do manage to [Image: brick.jpg].

That's cool.
I have a savemii device. I can say that unless you had the starfall hacks in place or preloader hacks that remove the diagnostic disc check hack in your nand you will not be able to autoboot the Twilight Princess, Autoboot wadmanager, or Team Twiizers Autoboot recovery disc. I would recommend getting a chip with your dollars first to save your wii then invest in a savemii after. I just hate to see you disappointed when you got the savemii......hang in there though, I've read there may be a special version of bootmii that will be coming out at the same time as the standard one that may help you with your briick. It may require you to have a savemiii device. There isn't much detail in the wild about this at this time. It has been reported that Marcan has mentioned this modified bootmii though and I trust the source. Good luck and sorry to hear of this.
Don't pay for what's built into your Nintendo

You could try this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IpE4Edvg...re=related


Check out the read both links

It's called SaveMiiFree, its the same recovery menu that the Savemii you have to buy brings up.

Wouldn't hurt to try

Sorry to hear you bricked man that really sucks, When you fix your brick make sure you install preloader first (Or BootMii if it's released by then)
thanks for all this YoYo I'll get hold of gamecube controller tomorrow.. and see how things go.
I just read squee's old post and sounds like our wii's are doing the same thing, so if this fixes it then maybe it could fix his too.

squee666 Wrote:my dad being a fool at 3am last night decided to play wii sports

and then want to switch game
so he ejectste game(yes while its running)

and it wouldnt turn off by the button (im guessing he was tapping the button not olding for awhile)

so he resorts to unplugging it by the mains in the back

now the wii lights up but doesn't for to the system menu when i turn it on or load any picture
and the remote doesn't sync either

its been softmodded and i was gonna update it to 3.2e from 3.1 and install starfall
but now i can't

solution to m dumbchocolate dad
I hope you fix it
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