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Full Version: looking for these covers :S
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okay the story goes that i got these dvds of Evangelion from a guy at work
He burnt them for me

And yeh i hated the blank dvd cases so i want to get the case covers and disc covers iff possible
But the his dvd set has only 3 dvds :S?

When i googled i found from 1-8 O-o,
He said him self he bought the dvds a long time ago ? maybe this isn't out anymore?

Yet anyways i have all the ep's on the 3 discs combined

Here is a screen shot from disc 3 if it helps im guessing this is a real release or some thing downloaded and made?

[Image: 2lm5vdt.png]
[Image: 2dsmfjn.png]
try/tried looking here ?/! >> http://www.cdcovers.cc/
Yes i have

iv checked that multiple others
But all i found was dvds 1 to 8?

this is dvds 1-3?

there is about 8 on each disk or something i guess?
maybe that's the first 3 in the perfect collection, theres only a total of 8 dvds in total though
...I'm lost as to what wee are looking for...
are wee looking for the case and disk covers for some mysterious 3 disk set of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Slushba132 Wrote:...I'm lost as to what wee are looking for...
are wee looking for the case and disk covers for some mysterious 3 disk set of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
um Hopefully just the DVD covers
The disc covers i can live with not being the original
I'll say what I told you on MSN.

The DVD Menu is in Chinese... so it's most likely a Bootleg DVD.

You told me the original DVDs you got were all episodes over 3, dual layer DVDs, that would make sense how it didn't loose too much quality.

It'll be practically impossible to get the DVD covers over the Bootleg DVDs, besides they would most likely have Chinese on them haha...

Sorry to break it to you, ;)

And yeah, official dvds span many more dvds than 3 (I think its 8)
Hehe, I have a number of those Chinese DVDs - they like squeeze 9 episodes per disc.  The actual Evangelion is 8 DVDs for the 26 episodes, and 2 movie DVDs (friend reserved them all at the library, and lent them to me, so I burnt a copy).  There's also the remake versions, but I don't know much about them (think they're also 8 DVDs).
Oh well i managed to make some covers for it they turned out okay

i made the cover for Lucky star since i had no luck find a region 4 scan of the cover :/
[Image: 2inbbb.png]
Just the spine i did :S but yeh it looks good along side all my others so far

As you can see iv resized this down ALOT
To be on the forums :P
Haruhi Wrote:Oh well i managed to make some covers for it they turned out okay

Can wee see em?

Haruhi Wrote:i made the cover for Lucky star since i had no luck find a region 4 scan of the cover :/
[Image: 2inbbb.png]
Just the spine i did :S but yeh it looks good along side all my others so far

As you can see iv resized this down ALOT
To be on the forums :P

Love the spine, nice job
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