Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Slush for admin!
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Pages: 1 2 3
LOL, this is epically funny because only EP can do this and get away with it.
so lawl lawl lawl lawst

cum my child...
tell me of these words thou speakst
hey check it out Slush is in the news!!

Slush running for candidacy
you with your auto vids
:o i fall asleep for a little and all this happens Sadist
oh well Slush don't like my ad campaign

no no twas good...
if elected I promise children eating zombies for everyone
[Image: zombieplayground.jpg]

also the poll clearly shows it is what the sparker admin people really want...
admin nao please
I pm'ed ZB, you should try the same...
Pages: 1 2 3
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