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I sometimes traduce themes to French and saw that a lot of creator modify the "msgshare_info_space_2" line as the "msgshare_info_space" line.

It's not normal, the "msgshare_info_space_2" line is the text shown with Game > /\ > Informations.

So this text mustn't be modified, otherwise this information menu looks "dirty"...

It was just to say this to you ;)


EDIT : Hum... Maybe not is the good forum... Sorry if it is.
trobert94 Wrote:Hello,

I sometimes traduce themes to French and saw that a lot of creator modify the "msgshare_info_space_2" line as the "msgshare_info_space" line.

It's not normal, the "msgshare_info_space_2" line is the text shown with Game > /\ > Informations.

So this text mustn't be modified, otherwise this information menu looks "dirty"...

It was just to say this to you ;)


EDIT : Hum... Maybe not is the good forum... Sorry if it is.
That would imply someone sent you as a messenger. Who?

[/off topic]
feinicks Wrote:
trobert94 Wrote:...

It was just to say this to you ;)
That would imply someone sent you as a messenger. Who?

[/off topic]

He meant: I just wanted to tell you this.
They change that page_date so when creating the theme they don't have to edit the space above and below the line to move the memorystick free space to the appropriate position on the screen, but then have all the contents of photo/music/video/game/etc that use that paf.prx position to keep it in line with the icons.

for example...

[Image: snap194rs3.jpg]

see here i moved the memorystick/free space text down using the space above/below tex_line prx offset. The GAMES text you see is from game_categories v3...if I didnt change the offset, that text would be up at y=0 and crossing over the main icon.

By doing this it also moves the text for the game_categories v3 to be in the proper space...if you just change the rco, that text looks dirty because it stays where the offset is.

BUT...by changing the prx offset, the file names of all the music/photo/video/game goes ot the prx offset position like so...and some peopel thought that was confusing, so I made a dashed line to say 'this is the file you are looking at'

[Image: snap190ma7.jpg]

So basically...if a theme creator doesn't like game_categores v3 in multimemorystick mode, changing the page_date of the "msgshare_info_space_2" and "msgshare_info_space" will let them move the text in the main xmb, while keeping the text of the files in line with the icon.

I prefer changing the prx, then it is multi language compatible by default.
Mc Cabe Wrote:
feinicks Wrote:
trobert94 Wrote:...

It was just to say this to you ;)
That would imply someone sent you as a messenger. Who?

[/off topic]

He meant: I just wanted to tell you this.

i know... I am bored and sPa/\/\ is the best way to kill time.

now return to topic.
SchmilK Wrote:They change that page_date so when creating the theme they don't have to edit the space above and below the line to move the memorystick free space to the appropriate position on the screen...

Schmilk, your knowledge of XMB altering, is worth it's weight in gold   [Image: biggrin.gif]

You have gone above and beyond, and your presence in the scene in more valuable to everybody than you know.

I hereby have decided to donate you all my E-Pigs, as a small thanks.
You're the man Schmilk   [Image: biggrin.gif]

Keep up all the fantastic work !  

LOL I think he works for Sony myself but I can't prove it.
buckeyes937 Wrote:LOL I think he works for Sony myself but I can't prove it.

Why do you say that???
buckeyes937 Wrote:LOL I think he works for Sony myself but I can't prove it.

I wish :(

I just try to do things no one else has..

like here...throw all those text aboe and below line down in the corner :P

[Image: snap120fi1.jpg]

Thanks for the piggies Mr Shizzy!!  I needed some outsiders to stop the inbreeding of my farm.
Mickey Wrote:
buckeyes937 Wrote:LOL I think he works for Sony myself but I can't prove it.

Why do you say that???

It was a joke...meaning he knows almost everything about editing.
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