Endless Paradigm

Full Version: .CTF Preview loading speed ?
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I've noticed that on some .CTF themes, the .CTF previews in Theme Settings load almost instantly, but by default, they take a second to load...

What are people doing to speed up this load time ?

i think it just depends on the ctf components and the preview image
No, some themes load all previews instantly,  while other themes can take 10+ seconds to load all previews.

And all of Schmilk's themes load previews instantly.  
I think he knows some sort of trick   ;)
i think it relates to scrolling speed..
I think it depends on the image type.

I've noticed that on the PSP a JPEG image file with a high compression level does take longer to display.

But I'm unfamiliar with the filetypes with CTFs.
There is an offset that controls how fast the previews appear.
Hmmm. Now I'm wondering about this also.

I haven't solved my problem with sysconf_plugin.prx yet and now this...
Mc Cabe Wrote:There is an offset that controls how fast the previews appear.

yes...but which one???

Default Value=1000
My value=100
Description=Theme Preview screen Load Time
SchmilK Wrote:
Mc Cabe Wrote:There is an offset that controls how fast the previews appear.

yes...but which one???

Default Value=1000
My value=100
Description=Theme Preview screen Load Time

Thanks Schmilk.
You are the man.    Madwin
Oh my, Schmilk. Can you help me with the sysconf_plugin.prx delay for the "about psp" video? I want to make each image show longer.
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