Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] PSPChrome 1.0
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PSPChrome 1.0

[Image: pspchrome23701852iv3.jpg]

PSPChrome is a web browser application for the PSP by Damiaan Reijnaers.

It's a application that looks like the browser Google Chrome, from Google. You've just only to download it, and put the files into your root directory.
You need a internet connection to save and load the files.

-Browsing with more tabs
-Load bookmarks from your PSP*
-Codes for the address bar**
-Donating for NL/BE/UK
-Listening to music while browsing
-Mailing with your PSP***
-Credits page added
-PSPWoord integration
-Tools added

*The program loads your bookmarks from your default Sony PSP browser into PSPChrome! Isn't that great?

**You can type codes into the address bar like: NEWS

woa, this looks really neat...

Any idea where the Cache is stored?
Can somebody explain me please how this app is suposed to work, i don't see any Eboot ,.... ?????
Is it actually a separate app from the original browser??? O_O if it is that is great!!!!! FINALLY!

@ Astaroth - put the files in the root of you memstick.
MehHakker Wrote:Is it actually a separate app from the original browser??? O_O if it is that is great!!!!! FINALLY!

@ Astaroth - put the files in the root of you memstick.

Thanks man but still got no clue how this thingy might work :confused:
Ohhhh right I think you have to run it from the web browser. It's basically a portal......
ah that's a shame, doesn't work as advertised v_VV_v
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