Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] LEDA - Legacy Software Loader beta 0.2
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DaRk_AleX has released an update for LEDA Software Loader.
For those who don't know, this is a 1.50 kernel substitute for SLIM users. (With slightly less compatibility than real 1.50 kernel)

DAX says Beta 0.2 should have much better compatibility with 1.50 homebrew, than the first release.
for more details, see the included Read Me file.
Thanks for posting Mr. Shizzy
yes, rRtootage works now :)
Oo awesome !

...aww my homebrews still don't work "/
hope that compatibility of homebrews will be complete as like as you install 1.50 kernel addon in phat
1.5 addon still better than this.
thanks for the news guys. not better than 1.50 but  slow steps are taken...
This is perfect for me.

The only 1.50 brew I cared about works with this.  (Infinity Cat, & Ressulinski)  MadwinMadwinMadwin
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