I'm not going to argue about this, as you can't change my view
yeh are in the awesome people list :P add me , save me the trouble of getting my keyboard xD
Sorry to bump but I'll add some of you tomorrow.
My brother and I split the price for a PS3 as a gift to each other. But currently I only have Modern Warfare 2 and Borderlands. And I am just starting at both.

also loads of dlc's in store! (you could skip mad moxxi's dome,. not the best dlc)
don't have a ps3 so is there much point in mine being in the list?
I'll put it in after it exist :P i mean what if some one decided to be a meatstick and take that name before you? haha
added :P
@z7shaft, have you added anyone yet?
:o the list is growing. I'm gonna have to add a bunch of people people now. yay (sarcasm or real? who knows? O.o)