Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Need Help Choosing a Flash Template
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Hey guys,

Well my boss called again with yet another job, Erk and I have to choose a new flash template for one of the sites I've previously worked on for a locksmith company. The thing is that I need to choose a flash template that can travel all the mess from THIS site, and put it into the new template. The template also needs to have 6-7 pages so all the info can fit into it. She wants it something like this site:


The next thing is that she wants a template from http://www.flashmo.com, and most of their templates fall under 6 pages, and/or isn't related to Locksmith business, or is over $75. So I need help choosing a right template.

It has to be from http://www.flashmo.com
$75 or under
Flash template that works with Adobe Flash CS3
Has around 6-7 pages that can fit info and pictures on them. (Preferably one that has a gallery/portfolio so all the pictures of products can go there)

I need it done in the next 5 hours.
Thanks to anyone who helps. :D

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