Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Should i shell out for L4D?
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Well, i really liked the demo when it was out, ive just been payed (loads of things have been in the way since it was released, but this check is mine :D). But, i want to get Dreamfall as well, and with a new monitor i don't really have enough for both

So, is it worth it? Do lots of people play? Do lots of half decent people play? Do people actually work in teams? Or am i better off with DF/TLJ?? I know wee have a few players on here, so someone should be able to convince me ;p

lol just jk

But seriously. Buy it. It's an awesome co-op game.
I absolutely love L4D. I play it on 360 right now, but when I get my new comp, I'll get it again for PC as well.  The versus mode is ridiculously fun and the campaigns are never quite the same, so playing it on a harder difficulty is actually always a challenge.  It is most fun with only friends because you know they'll all work as a team. Oftentimes, I get stuck with someone who has no mic or is just a douche or maybe has no idea how to play, and that can suck out some of the fun for me.  Regardless, L4D on the PC is a great buy because Valve is already working on releasing some new campaigns. Not to mention the fact that the fan base has been asked to make their own maps.  This is easily my favorite game on the 360, so I am sure it'll be just as great on the PC too!

Get it!!
I fudgeing hate it when I overshoot my pounce attack with the hunter on the No Mercy finale.
wanted to check this game,. but looks kinda horrorish,.. Ahhyes

there suposed to be a very good Ai in this game,..
It's the only video game I play now.
Wolf Wrote:I fudgeing hate it when I overshoot my pounce attack with the hunter on the No Mercy finale.

Oh yeah. Shit definitely sucks. But on the flip side, it's TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME to bash people off the edge as a tank.


diego Wrote:It's the only video game I play now.

Same here. Hey...wait. ADD ME ON STEAM NAO.

Well, i bought it, and i kinda regret it since i didnt technically have the money spare :S, but, still, too late now, so lets all play L4D!

Also, i play WoW, so it will never truly be the only game i play XD
diego Wrote:It's the only video game I play now.

Same here. Mainly because my spoon laptop can't handle anything else. lol
Wolf Wrote:
diego Wrote:It's the only video game I play now.

Same here. Mainly because my spoon laptop can't handle anything else. lol

lucky you it can still run this game Hihi

mine can't, for sure....

me needs pixel shader 3.0 >_________>
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