Endless Paradigm

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n64 link is broken
reupload please
Thanks for telling me.
That's some nice spoon...
do this all work for 3.8 m33?
hmm i think they require the 1.50 addon on 3.80m33 to run them
but i think there are 3.xx builds for slim psps
I don't think any of the links work... :(
lol yeah, ill fix it.
How about PSPectrum the fantastic ZX Spectrum emulator ?

Download here

[Image: snap0010.jpg]
I've downloaded pspuae and the kickstart rom but can't get it to work. is there anyway you can actually work it?
andrewcc Wrote:I've downloaded pspuae and the kickstart rom but can't get it to work. is there anyway you can actually work it?

Head on over to http://pspuae.condor.serverpro3.com as they just released a new version a day or so ago and they have detail setup instructions.
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