Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Windows 7 WMP and Media Center useful now!?!
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just copied over all my songs which are in ogg to my pc using wmp12 and wmc fom my lappy using winamp

it sees the files the album art and the song tags

this is very useful :D

I just installed windows 7! :D
sure hope you installed the mp3 corruption patch as well...

SchmilK Wrote:sure hope you installed the mp3 corruption patch as well...


they fixed that bug in the official betaAhaa
the leaked beta had this mp3 bug
ah good!
as far as I know the initial release of the official beta also hat that bug, but that's only what I heard.
Haven't used WMC, but Winamp probably still uses less resources and supports more formats :P  Though WMP12 does apparently support more things, finally...
I was a longtime Winamp user but recently switched to Foobar2000, it's nice customizable but I miss the Winamp Visual System Plugin for my G15.... :/
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