First of all, read the
Readme if you download.
I compiled this theme together from other
Themes and updated (ish) it for 5.00 m33-6
I will update this page and others that have created
what I have used.
Addition: CTF version is included
Included are screenshots in the folder labeled thusly...
It is dubbed Ultimate Satin Silk Glow Green aka Infringement...
Edit: Icons labeled as disabled have been disabled on
MY personal PSP. You may choose to remove the modules
yourself to make room but other than that, You still have
those functions...
Edit: added CTF ;)
UPDATE: NothingFace420 of psp-hacks has helped out
with the system_plugin_bg, so now it works properly with
original setting on as well.

i tried to make a CTF,.. but PSP semi-bricks upon opening so i wanted to leave out the opening_plugin.rco,.. when i noticed there is no opening_plugin.rco,.>!? but you do have a screenshot of an opening screen>?!>?
i have't tested your theme flashing to flash0,. anyway here is the .ptf i made if you want to try and make a .ctf version yourself:
EDIT: that's the gameboot screenshot,. not the opening screenshot,. anyway something semi-bricks the PSP when converted to .CTF,.
I prefer f0 themes, so that's why it's not CTF now...
Anything that is not in the folder is completely unchanged.
Super_NinjA Wrote:I prefer f0 themes, so that's why it's not CTF now...
Anything that is not in the folder is completely unchanged.
a ok,. its a Nice theme!
i did fail to make a working .CTF,.. >?>!? :( dunno why,. >!?
You got me... I can't CTF for poo poo but whatever...
I'm debating on whether to use a black BG instead...
Also, to any one else out there, any suggestions
on improvement are totally welcomed!
Super_NinjA Wrote:You got me... I can't CTF for poo poo but whatever...
that's not whot i mean,. its just weird that the flash0 works but the ctf i tried to make,. doesn't,.
Maybe someelse could try,. i already posted a .ptf,.....
many people only use CTF theme's,. ;)
By the way i like the icons and the 01-12.bmp!

system_plugin_bg.rco is the problem...not sure what in tha file is causing the problem, maybe from an older firmware version? but when i removed it the ctf booted fine.
SchmilK Wrote:system_plugin_bg.rco is the problem...not sure what in tha file is causing the problem, maybe from an older firmware version? but when i removed it the ctf booted fine.
hehe,.. missed your attachment,. so i already added to main topic,. anyway now there is 2 CTF downloads,. O_O !!

Super_NinjA Wrote:Yeah, the system_plugin_bg is waaaayyy old.
I posted a warning file that said to have your
"theme" setting set to classic mode...
And there are some other disabled utilities
which are also addressed...
And thanks for the feedback guys!

nothing will be disabled if you don't edit the vshmain.prx or the actual icon's corresponding prx...
By just changing the topmenu_plugin.rco pagedata to say disabled doesn't actually disable it ;)
And it is never a good idea to take an old rco or prx and use it on any firmware other than the one it was created for. if you set your waves set to original and have the attached system_plugin_bg enabled you will not boot up just like in the ctf.
warning.rtf Wrote:WARNING!!!
This theme removes the following features:
- Camera
- Location Free TV
- RSS Functions*
This allows for more free space for the theme.
Where "Disabled" appears in the XMB is still
all right to click as the function is physically gone*.
*RSS still causes crash for some reason, but
a simple reboot fixes the issue.
This theme does nothing of the sort...These functions don't work on
your psp because they have been replaced by dummy files in flash0 or deleted all together to save flash0 space on your psp 1000. Anyone who uses this theme either flash0 or ctf will not notice anything like what you warn about unless they ahve removed the same files as you.
Again...CTF is better for fat users because you can customize all you want and there is no additional space taken up on flash0 to have a custom theme!
You should use xmb4cw and edit a vshmain and have it completely remove the icon in xmb rather than say 'disabled'