Endless Paradigm

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Lets see how well everyone knows each other. :>

Say everything you know about the person above.
he made psp themes
Hihi very funny very random !!
EDIT: damn you V, didn't see your post....

ummm....he's V!!! and he makes all kinds of PSP stuff!
23 year old Californian who loves to vector and Battle Angel Alita :)
londonian like me.
a londonian with a witty attitude that could kill a man
A guy from Cambridgeshire who seems to have invited his whole school onto EP ;)
Also he likes hamburgers that have faces on them........geez fetishes these days.....
Hes welsh and good at graphics
Ehy boy I aint Welsh :P Londinium is where I iz XD

roberth - middle England and a great guy :P
Says he's no good at graphics but is really a master :D
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