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Full Version: [Released] PSPDictionary v2.4.1 (update)
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PSPDictionary v2.4.1
## by Gefa, gefasio@gmail.com
## www.gefa.altervista.org

[Image: pspdictgoogleqjgenth156yh2.jpg]

PSPDictionary: what is it?
PSPDictionary is a multilanguage dictionary for PSP, with on-line functionalities.
PSPDictionary, to translate online, connects itself at the servers langtolang.it and babelfish.yahoo.com

How to install it
Copy the 'python' directory in the root of your memory stick, then copy the 'PSPDictionary' directory in the mso:/PSP/GAME/ path.

## ChangeLog
- Added the NeoFlashCompo2009 splash screen.
- Solved a bug in the langtolang translations. Now the program shows all the translations.

Download: PSPDictionary v2.4.1
your good on posting stuff bro silver and your uploading it on file hosting site thanks for the heads up!

- Now the servers supported are two: langtolang.com and babelfish.yahoo.com. Using babelfish.yahoo.com now it is possible to translate, besides words, also phrases

* Added the support for Google Translate
* Some little improvements
* Now the program saves in the file translations.txt the translations
* For example, when you translate 'che cosa farai questa sera?', from italian to english, connecting your psp online
at the server Google Translate, in the file translations.txt will be written:
o Mode: online
o Server: translate.google.com
o WordSentence: che cosa farai questa sera?
o Translation: what to do tonight?

    * Now the program is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
    * Improved the offline mode, adding the support for the translations freely distributed by Wiktionary. Now there are about 6000 translations for each language. Besides for the offline mode has been added a new language: Latin.
    * Some little improvements.

## ChangeLog
- Added the NeoFlashCompo2009 splash screen.
- Solved a bug in the langtolang translations. Now the program shows all the translations.
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