Endless Paradigm

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I just downloaded a movie and the sound it behind the video.

so when people are talking the words don't match up with what they are saying....  im pissed

is there a way to fix this?????

Ill be back in a bit got to go do somethings\\

Double post
All I want to do is watch spiderman3
Movie's stuffed?  Lol.

Two things:
1) Your video or audio (or both) are sorda screwy...
2) Try using the audio delay option if your media player has one - Media Player Classic does
You mean Windows Media Player??
No, Media Player Classic is not Windows Media Player  (MPC is one of the best video players, whereas WMP is one of the worst :P)
MPC is good, I can attest to that.
theres programs that let you resynchronize the audio and video
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