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HP 2133 Mini-Note PC sucks... PERIOD... a big one at that..

search for the Mini 1000. or a Eee PC 1000H
Nacos Wrote:Canada*

tis a play on the word

by the way, Canada was derived from the word Kanata which supposedly means "Our Home" in inuit.

so....yeah :P

EDIT: ok i found an asus 1000HA on amazon, im going for to get that one since it can be upgraded + it has a better battery

good good?

read and judge... I havent't personally used the 1000HA so I can't comment any better than you can. Its good decent reviews tough.
feinicks Wrote:http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=4655

read and judge... I havent't personally used the 1000HA so I can't comment any better than you can. Its good decent reviews tough.

Hmm im thinking of getting the HP mini mi because it retails for a pretty cheap price of around 380$ (as much as the asus).

The only thing that kind of sucks about it is that it has a 60 GB hard drive and a 3 cell battery

urgh, getting kind of confused here now; because i KNOW i won't be able to return either. The laggy touchpad mentioned in that review is bothering me, and i can deal with a small hard drive but i NEED battery life

So im kind of trying to decide between the two Sadist

By the way, tried the hp today and i LOVED its keyboard and touchpad; the best ive used by far, i just don't know if its worth it over the beastly asus because i never tried it before (and i probably can't because they arent exactly up for display in major stores here in canada :( )

EDIT: now im starting to pick between the 900HA, 1000HA and the hp mini

900HA: Retails at 320$ and has the SAME specs as the 1000HA sans screen and battery (but the battery life seems to be the same? :S); the only problem is that the size marrs the keyboard usability (hence ease of access)
1000HA: Retails for 380$, has a big HD, easy upgrade, battery life is good for a 10" screen
Hp Mini mi: Retails for 380$ (for a 60 GB HD, which i need), pretty good the reason why im consdiering it is because HP is known to make good laptops and its size and compatibility is a bonus + the ease of use controls. But it lacks a larger hard drive and battery life (which cannot be extended because its not possible to make 6 cell batteries). Coupled with the fact its missing a VGA out and one usb port and such.

Right now, i want im looking for the best BANG for a buck; and the 900HA catches my eye because it is basically a replica of the 1000HA in a smaller form and its cheaper but with the same specs.

mini 1000 has the best keyboard of all the netbooks today, being 92% of the fullsize.

1000HA is the best performer of the lot, though not as much as the 1002H, but I think that is expensive.

900HA is a decent notebook, not much different from the Mini 1000. But I'd score the HP over it due to its keyboard. Bear in mind that the HP comes with a proprietery slot, so you lose out on some ports.

You can also check out the new Asus Eee PC S101.
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