Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Davee's RCO Patcher
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Yah, I've had this lying around for ages. I originally created it as part of a test for ThemeXtra testing the new IO hooking procedures. What can I say? You activate it, create a folder at memorystick root called RCOS, and hope that next boot it'll redirect all RCO reading from that folder (Don't worry, if file doesn't exit it will load from flash0 ;))

Recommendations: Use with my Scramble Patcher. It saves flashing every time, or compiling into a CTF/DTC and using that.

nice good for testing RCO's!
This sounds great, gonna be fun to use. Will let people be creative =]
Super Sheep Wrote:Yah, I've had this lying around for ages. I originally created it as part of a test for ThemeXtra...

Thanks for sharing this.  Should be handy.
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