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i see on your phone ey? hmmm i got msn messenger by the way xD if you give me your id i can add you , thanks for the protip by the way i shall check out that app , peace
p.s: yeah i guess i forgot to mention that one about the psp 3000 thou i for some reason asumed that wouldnt be required
The last time I did any major game boot it was more for 6.39 cfw
So i was lacking 6.60 knowledge and ctf GUI seems to be a task right now to do 6.60!
That's ultimately the easiest option for you, that way I could make the game boot into a ctf theme where there is no risk
Of flashing ;) but yes I'm also rusty :D
well the random gameboot app worked , thanks bro
It’s been over 4 years since I’ve posted in this thread and site
ONEDEADLYVENOM Wrote: [ -> ]It’s been over 4 years since I’ve posted in this thread and site
Hiiiiiii old friends glad to see the community still churning out psp stuff!
I got a lot of cobwebs to dust off to get better need my old psp to look sleek again
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